
Visualizzazione dei post da giugno, 2011

The biggest changes in C++11

Sembra che ci siamo, C++11 , il nuovo standard ISO e' quasi approvato. Bjarne Stroustrup ha detto, a proposito di C++11 , che " it's feels like a new language !" Le novita' introdotte sono davvero molte, e potete trovarle riassunte nel seguente articolo . In particolare, e' curioso ed interessante riportare quanto segue: << After the approval of the C++ standard in 1998, two committee members prophesied that the next C++ standard would “certainly” include a built-in garbage collector (GC), and that it probably wouldn’t support multithreading because of the technical complexities involved in defining a portable threading model. Thirteen years later, the new C++ standard, C++11, is almost complete. Guess what? It lacks a GC but it does include a state-of–the-art threading library. >>

Peer reviews catch 60% of the defects...

“Peer reviews catch 60% of the defects.” All of us have known for a long time that code reviews find defects, and that reviews are cheaper and can be more effective than most kinds of testing. In Code Complete, Steve McConnell builds an overwhelming case for code reviews: disciplined code inspections can find between 45%-70% of all defects in code, while even fast, informal reviews can find 20%-30%. Studies at IBM, HP, Microsoft and other places show that it is several times cheaper to find bugs in code reviews than through testing. And evidence keeps coming in to support that code reviews work.